Dec 11, 2018


by: Paul Benson


Categories: Uncategorized

Two Way Radios and the Hospitality Industry

Two-way radios or walkie-talkies, can enhance almost any business and have shown themselves to be beneficial in the hospitality and restaurant sectors. The helpfulness of a two-way communication system such as this, is that discreet communication can be made between waiting and kitchen staff, as well as managers across large restaurants or venues, without any disruption to guests or clients. Supplementary use of two-way radio can also help to reduce stress and improve efficiency in any hectic environment.

How can walkie-talkies help my venue or restaurant?

Suspect the specials are running low: don’t come back to the table after an order has been taken, ask the kitchen then and there.  In countless cases, a two-way radio is vital for restaurants communicating between the front of house staff, waiting on and the kitchen. Radios allow for instant updates on meals and service and ensure your customers are not left waiting without an answer, a crucial tool in the hospitality industry.

A two-way radio is also a great way for venue staff to let each other know where customers are located or where possible empty tables can be made available.

Many of the latest sets have the option of an earpiece accessory or headset. This provides the user with a much more comfortable way to use the radio, while keeping their hands free for other tasks, such as setting up tables or carrying trays, while still able to interact with the rest of your team.

The efficiency of your restaurant is bound to increase with the use of two-way radios as it reduces the need for so many of those unnecessary trips to other areas just to ask a question. The time wasted could be used elsewhere in the smooth running of your restaurant to better the customer experience and ensure service is running as efficiently as possible.

Immediate communications can significantly reduce customer waiting times and effectively improve the customer experience of the restaurant, as well as the profits, freeing tables up more quickly.

What kind of set works best in a restaurant?

The best radios in the hospitality industry are usually discreet, lightweight models, so as not to cause any distractions. A slimmer model is also less likely to get in the way when staff are serving and just let them to get on with tasks.

Typically, you won’t need a radio with a huge range or multiple frequencies and many recreational sets will be suitable for a restaurant situation as they are not likely to go out of range. However with these unlicensed models, they can also be prone to interference from other users as you do not own the frequency you are broadcasting on (ask NRC about licences).

Here at NRC we understand that different restaurants will have differing needs and we are happy to offer advice or information to anyone who has any queries regarding restaurant or business radios.